Crazy, but creative

Sometimes, getting creative can be useful not only for the immediate goal, but also for a secondary but equally important one.  You see, I didn’t have all my steps in for the day (based on my step goal on my fabulous FitBit) this evening, and so I was pacing forward and backward while talking with my mom.  She told me that it was just too weird that I was doing that – literally walking forward and then reversing, while still facing and talking with her – and that I needed to stop walking like that.  And so, I got creative.  I walked at least five different ways that did not involve a forward-backward trek, and asked my mom how each one was.  On the really fast shuffled steps, neither one of us could hold it together – it was just too funny.  And so, by being creative and silly, I not only moved my step count closer to my step goal for the day, but I also created an opportunity for my mom and me to bond a little bit more.  Mind, body, and soul are doing well.  Healthy on all fronts tonight!  😛

Post-a-day 2018