
Tomorrow morning starts something new… I could even go High School Musical on the situation – it really is a big deal, and it has all the nerves of high school to go with it.

I want it to go well, which is what has emme nervous… that, and the fact that I have no internet at home, and this will take regular internet access for long-ish periods of time… hmm…

I’ll keep thinking in that, and see what I can come up with that is not only practical but that leaves me truly comfortable.

Anyway, I want to do well with this all… and for many, many reasons, none of which are insignificant.

God, help me to listen to You within me tomorrow morning, especially, and in every moment, as a whole.


Let’s do this.

We can do it.

And amazingly so. 🙂

Post-a-day 2020