A drink in New York

We went to the school black box musical tonight. It was cute. But it also showed how people tend to ‘deal’ with problems with alcohol. That sort of thing seems to make me even more upset than before. Well, okay, it doesn’t send me up in a fuss or anything like that. But it does make something less appealing to me when that is part of it. Alcohol only heals issues with bacteria. everything else is like turning to look the other way, and pretending the problem is solved. And I despise that so much of society finds it acceptable and not st all sad that people turn to alcohol for stress-relief and courage and all these other things that don’t include harming the body in their idea. But that’s what alcohol does, harm the body. And lives. We all would do much better to remember that.

P.S. Happy October, y’all!!

Post-a-day 2022


Have you ever been with someone who makes the discovery that an alcohol-filled lifestyle is not necessary? That the previous lifestyle was mainly a habit, and not what one truly wanted? I think that, when coupled with an intention to live authentically going forward, with less (if not no) alcohol than previously had been common, could be one of the coolest moments/times to witness… someone standing up for one’s own self and life, and stepping freely away from societal standards for unhealthy coping and avoidance of life and it many difficulties.

Post-a-day 2022